This is the Heidelberg HSE app, a customized and branded version of the original app "HSEQ Free", a tool to help us become even better!
We at Heidelberg believe in the KIS-principle. Keep It Simple. Too many organizations make their HSEQ-system way too complicated, resulting in lack of reporting and just a lot of bureaucratic mess. Our app is designed to be easy to use and without all not necessary features and buttons. However, the app fulfills all our HSEQ-reporting requirements and we consider the improvement possibilities when introducing it in our company to be huge.
You may report all LTI/MTI, Near Misses, 1-1, Safety Inspections, Take 1 and Improvement proposals
To be able to use the app you will need a username and password. Please contact your manager to receive one.
The app developed by Mellora AS in Norway and is a customised version of the app HSEQ Free.